About us
It all started with a whippet, a fawn and blue whippet to be precise... We adopted Bryn (our gorgeous Instagram model!) when he was 20 months old in June 2016 and - after a good deal of looking - ordered him a fabric collar.
On its arrival, Charlotte, Fawn & Blue's founder (and Bryn's "mum"), decided to make Bryn a collar for every day of the week and ordered the hardware needed, overlooking the requirement for an industrial machine. So... "Maud" (our lovely industrial sewing machine) joined us and Fawn & Blue started in January 2018.
We're extremely proud to say that all our products are handmade in Bristol by Charlotte. Charlotte also personally selects all Fawn & Blue's suppliers and fabrics, taking care to ensure that we use the highest quality
We decided right at the outset to ensure that our products can cater for dogs of all shapes and sizes (including our slinky sighthound friends, who seem to be rather overlooked at times). If you can't find what you're looking for, please just let us know and we'll ensure your dog can look and feel stylish in one of our designs!